What makes breasts grow: food for breast augmentation

The main reason for small breasts is lack of estrogen hormone. In the female body, it is he who is responsible for the beauty of female forms. When estrogen is low, a woman gains a "boyish" figure: the chest becomes flat, the thighs are weak. Therefore, if you want to increase your bust a bit, add estrogen-containing foods to your diet. Note that we are talking about natural products, not diet pills or supplements. So what should you do to enlarge your breasts?

Products for breast augmentation with estrogen

Spices and herbs: fenugreek, fennel, hop cones

Fenugreek contains phytoestrogen, a substance similar to the natural female hormone. Its content is especially high in fenugreek cabbage, which is recommended to be included in the diet.

Fennel has long earned its reputation as an excellent "supplier" of estrogen. It is often used in the production of teas for breastfeeding mothers (to increase lactation) and pills for breast augmentation. Breast augmentation at home with fennel will be simple and delicious: boil the dried herb as a tea and drink it several times a day.

Phytoestrogen content is particularly high in hop cones. Hence, by the way, the belief arose that women are advised to drink beer regularly for breast augmentation. However, it is important to remember that brewers often do not respect production technology. And instead of a natural fermented product of hop and malt, you can drink a chemical that is highly controversial. Therefore, it is advisable to use hop cones "as is", drinking boiling water and drinking the drink for a week once in 1-2 months. This is exactly what our grandmothers did, who successfully used the popular methods of breast augmentation.

Legumes and soy

These beneficial breast augmentation products are available to everyone. And besides, many of them are delicious. Common are common peas and beans, as well as lentils, chickpeas, red beans. The estrogen contained in them is perfectly absorbed by the female body. But it is impossible to isolate it in laboratory conditions and "lock" it in a tablet. Therefore, do not hesitate to use natural products.


The protein and estrogen content is high in oats, brown rice, barley. Breast augmentation with products of this group will also allow you to cleanse the intestines and lose a few centimeters at the waist.

nutrition for breast augmentation

Vegetables and fruits

Eat everything! Despite the fact that most of them do not have natural estrogen, vegetables and fruits allow the female body to maintain natural hormonal balance. And they do not allow testosterone to grow, a male hormone that excessively makes the figure of the male woman, causes dark hair to grow where it should not.

Healthy fats

Does fish oil promote breast growth? Breast augmentation without surgery is possible with the regular use of unsaturated fats, which are found in flax seeds, olives, avocados, nuts, sesame seeds, as well as vegetable oils from these products. High levels of healthy fats are also found in high quality marine fish. If you can not afford a goldfish, eat a thick Kerch herring. The resulting fat will not be deposited on the waist.

Fatty foods for breast augmentation

As you know, it is the adipose tissue that gives the pleasant roundness of the female breast. By feeding it calories, you can achieve breast enlargement. But it is worth remembering that along with the chest, the waist volume will increase, and then the hips. And it will be very difficult to adjust the figure in the future.

So look at fatty breast augmentation products. And decide if you should use them:

  • white bread and crust,
  • banana,
  • honey,
  • milk,
  • Salo.

In limited quantities, all of these foods are very beneficial to health. Therefore, they should not be completely avoided. But it is not worth cutting a banana a week to help breast augmentation.

Foods that do NOT help the breast grow and from which the breast grows

Products for breast augmentation and what is good for the mammary glands. There are many myths about breast augmentation products. This applies mainly to those who are on a diet. Here are some of them.

  • Cabbage. This vegetable has no effect on the chest. But you should definitely eat it. Raw cabbage is great for cleansing the intestines. And against the background of a thinner waist, the chest looks somewhat larger.
  • Mineral water still. Its impact is also indirect. Each person is recommended to drink up to 1. 5 liters of mineral water per day. This rate ensures normal metabolism in the body, elimination of excess fat. A slender figure, beautiful chest. . . Maybe the nature of the illusion lies in this analogy?
  • Raw dough. A very harmful product that will do you no good. Just do not use it.
  • Fatty food. Another injury that brings 980 grams of weight to the abdomen and thighs, and only 20 grams gives the chest. You can get unhealthy fats from margarine, store biscuits, cakes, chips, mayonnaise. If you want to experiment with increasing breast fat, eat healthy fats. We have already talked about them above.

Proper nutrition along with exercise can do wonders for your body. This also applies to the bust, which can be "nourished" with healthy products, strengthened with massage and physical activity. And then enjoy its attractiveness! Read reviews online, maybe there are some successes.